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Composable Concurrency Abstractions for JavaScript.


Reactive streams on top of Promises.

This submodule provides an implementation glitch-free (i.e, no lost events) and leak-free (i.e, garbage collection is possible) for reactive programming. The minimal abstraction is called stream, used to associate many producers to many consumers.

Although not real-time (a.k.a, the synchronous / instantaneous axiom / assumption found on Synchronous Imperative languages, such as Lucid), this sporadic.streams submodule offers asynchronous reactivity without glitches. Future plans include composable stream operations interacting with Channels, Promises, etc, in the same sense of Perl 6’s Supply class.

The API revolves around an async / await style, and thus, a promise / future concurrency model. Consumers read deterministically published values (the same stream point yields the same event), while producers may non-deterministically race / dispute the order of events arrival. Streams are closed for further writes and reads by breaking / rejecting the stream in a promise-style through the close operation.

Garbage collection comes for free by implementing a linked list of streamed / promisified next nodes. That is, if the current node is not referenced anymore and the next node is resolved (by sending some value into the current one), so the current node becomes prone to garbage collection. So, in short terms, pay attention on your stream point references, and discard them whenever you can and whenever you don’t need them anymore.

API Usage

To load this submodule:

const sporadicStreams = require('sporadic').streams

If you’re using the browser build from UNPKG, the sporadic module will be available on the global scope of your page. In this context, just replace the sporadicStreams variable by the projection/expression sporadic.streams in all the examples below.

Creates a new reactive stream:

const stream = await

Write on a reactive stream:

const next = await sporadicStreams.push(stream, value)

Where next is the next stream to send values onto. This operation may fail due a sent close signal. You can reuse many times the stream reference instead of tracking next, for example:

await sporadicStreams.push(stream, 'Hello, Mike!')
await sporadicStreams.push(stream, 'Are you fine?')
await sporadicStreams.push(stream, 'See you later!')

Although it’s a discouraged pattern, ‘cause it forces you to keep all the stream point references in-memory, without discarding any of them, a huge risk of memory leaking for long-running applications. Don’t rely on that except for short running tests. You have read this warning. The good solution, so, is a threading of references (the example below show how it’s possible):

const stream1 = await sporadicStreams.push(stream0, 'Hello, Mike!')
const stream2 = await sporadicStreams.push(stream1, 'Are you fine?')
const stream3 = await sporadicStreams.push(stream2, 'See you later!')
// ...

Through non-determinism on writes, clients can get the next stream point in unpredictable ways (only if there’s more than one writer). The threading above seems deterministic cause there’s no race. It allows garbage collection, only if further references aren’t part of the same scope – the best solution here, tho, would be to iterate the generated stream points through a loop, or use them together with generators+promises (as a task scheduler).

To consume / read a value:

// may throw reason
const { current, next } = await sporadicStreams.pull(stream)

Where next is the next stream point to read future pushed values, and current is the current pushed value at this stream point. This operation may fail due a sent close signal. The same stream point here would yield the same current value and the same next stream point.

To destroy an active stream:

// throws reason
await sporadicStreams.close(stream)

Previous clients might not be up-to-date (due late computations), so they will keep reading values until an Error is available, then they will break / fail with that. Further calls on close are ignored, so close is idempotent no matter how many races occur (that is, multiple API clients calling that operation). The Error message will be the same for every thrown error, but don’t rely on that message content, it may be prone to future changes.

A ticker is also provided. It fires true in some given interval. To create such stream which ticks periodical signals, use the every operation:

const tickerStream = await sporadicStreams.every(milliseconds)

The interval argument is under milliseconds basis to comply with the well-known setTimeout and setInterval JavaScript functions. To stop the ticker stream from firing further events, just call close on such stream (it will also dispose the internal interval timer associated within).

‘Cause streams resemble quite well lists, there’s also some combinators provided here. They’re map and filter:

const succ = number => number + 1
const even = number => (number % 2) === 0

const producer = await
const consumer = await, succ)
const filtered = await sporadicStreams.filter(consumer, even)

// fire values/events from producer stream to follow down
// them on filtered stream
// ...

Whenever the parent/origin stream is closed, the children/result streams are closed as well. In the case above, if producer is closed, both consumer and filtered will be closed too. And if just consumer is closed, filtered will be closed but not producer – here, the fired values within producer will be ignored for both closed result streams.

To merge two streams in a non-deterministic way, use the merge operation:

const leftStream = await
const rightStream = await
const mergedStream = await sporadicStreams.merge(leftStream, rightStream)

// ...

Here, mergedStream will contain all the values/events from both leftStream and rightStream (in an unpredictable order, clearly). The mergedStream is automatically closed when both input streams are closed beforehand (but nothing prevents us from closing that thing manually). Pay attention that the merge operation only listen from events since this actual stream point onwards. That is, past events are lost - this is a property of stream points as a whole for every client coming up with an already ongoing stream point. You can persist the whole thing by using the initial stream point here, tho.

To import all operations on the current scope, you can use the following pattern (from modern JS):

const {
  open, push, close, pull,
  every, map, filter, merge
} = require('sporadic').streams